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Interim Regulations on the International Students’ Dormitory of HNUST
The international students’ dormitory of HNUST serves as the center of international student life at HNUST. In order to better manage and guide students in their daily lives, provide good service and thorough supervision, and create a safe, civilized, and enjoyable living environment, the Office of International Affairs has established these regulations.
第一章 安全管理
Section One: Regulations on Security
第一条 留学生公寓实行门禁制度,所有本校留学生应刷卡进出公寓。如有来访人员,需经门卫同意,凭本人有效证件履行登记手续后方可进入宿舍内探访。探访完毕,被访者应在登记本上签字并注明探访者离开时间。无有效证件者,门卫有权拒绝其进入宿舍。
1. All international students of HNUST entering the dormitory should swipe the card to have access to the dormitory. Students who receive visitors must sign the visitor’s name and exact time of arrival and departure in the registration book. The concierge has the right to deny entrance to any person lacking acceptable identification.
第二条 严禁携带易燃、易爆、剧毒、放射等威胁人身财产安全物品或淫秽、反动物品进入宿舍。对携带物品离开宿舍者,门卫认为有必要检查时,当事人应接受检查并登记备案。
2. Flammable, explosive, toxic, radioactive, or other dangerous items are prohibited in the dormitory. Those taking any objects out of the dormitory will be subject to having to have the item(s) inspected and/or registered by the concierge.
第三条 学生应增强宿舍安全意识,提高自我防范及自我管理能力,禁止在宿舍内点蜡烛、生火、焚烧物品,禁止使用煤气炉等用具。如发现异常情况要及时上报国际教育学院留学生管理办公室(电话:58291828)或学校保卫处(电话:58290514)。人为造成安全防火设施损坏的,除责令当事人赔偿损失外,给予记过以上处分。
3. Students should observe personal safety and the safety of others in the dormitory. Burning candles or other materials and the use of gas stoves or other cookers is prohibited. If a student encounters any situation of concern, he/she should report it to the concierge (Tel: 58291828) or to the university security department (Tel:58290514) immediately. If smoke detectors or other fire safety devices are found to have been tampered with, the person responsible will be required to compensate for the damages as well as be given a sanction of demerit recording.
第四条 学生在宿舍要注意安全用电。不得在宿舍内私自使用电炉、电暖器、电饭煲、电热毯、电熨斗、干鞋器等大功率电器设备;违反用电管理规定者,除按规定没收电器外,视情节轻重给予警告或严重警告处分。禁止在宿舍乱拉、乱接电线,严禁损坏、破坏宿舍供电设施,严禁盗用公用电源。违反者将视情节轻重给予罚款及纪律处分。因超功率用电而烧坏供电设施者,必须在赔偿损失后方可继续用电。
4. Students should observe safe use of electricity in the dormitory. Students are not allowed to use high-power electric appliances, such as electric stove, electric heater, electric cooker, electric blanket, or electric shoes dryer. Violators shall have their electrical appliance confiscated as well as be punished concerning the seriousness of the case. Manually extending or intertwining electrical wires, tampering with electrical outlets, and misuse of electrical sources is forbidden. Violators will be subject to disciplinary measures and/or fines. If a student damages an electrical connection through the use of a device more powerful than that which should be used, his/her electricity will not be restored until the damage is compensated.
第五条 留学生公寓每月每间房享有150度免费用电指标,超量部分按学校有关规定由学生自付(0.59元/度)。
5. Each room of international students is provided with 150 kilowatt hour free quantities of electricity each semester. Additional electricity bill beyond these regulated amounts must be paid by the students themselves in accordance with school’s regulations (¥ 0.59/ kilowatt hour).
第二章 住宿管理
Section Two: Regulations on Living in the Dormitory
第六条 所有申请校内住宿的学生按时交纳住宿费及卧具费后由国际教育学院统一安排住宿;不得私自配钥匙或转借他人,如钥匙丢失或损坏,应到留学生管理办公室重新申领。已安排校内住宿者,不得私自在校外租房住宿。
6. Students who apply to live in the dormitory will be provided with accommodation only upon paying the accommodation and bedding fees. It is strictly forbidden to lend the key to others. If the key is lost or damaged, the student can reapply for a new one. Students who already have on-campus housing arranged may not seek off-campus accommodation.
第七条 确因特殊原因欲转住校外的学生必须办理如下手续,否则学校将作违纪处理,一切责任由本人自负。
7. Students who wish to live off campus for whatever reason must undergo the following procedures or will otherwise be regarded as having violated regulations and subject to disciplinary measures:
a. Students should apply for moving in writing to the Office of International Affairs, including reasons for moving, intended address, contact person, and telephone number.
b. Students should present the leasing contract provided by the property-owner in China and give this person’s contact information.
c. The Office of International Affairs will review the request to move. Once approved, students should sign an agreement with the Office of International Affairs.
d. Students should report to the International Student Office to register their new living situation and revise their accommodation payment plan. Students who have completed the moving process prior to registration of the first term of an academic year do not have to pay any further accommodation fees. Students who complete this procedure at other times will not receive refunds for that academic year.
第八条 学生退宿申请一经批准,该生的原床位将由国际教育学院统一另行安排。在校外住宿的学生必须严格遵守与学院签订协议的内容,自行负责人身财物及交通安全。
8. Once a student’s application to move has been approved, the student’s former dormitory room will be reassigned. Students who live off campus should adhere to the written agreement with Office of International Affairs and should pay attention to personal safety and to the safety of their belongings.
第九条 校内住宿的学生必须在指定的房间、床位住宿,在需要时必须接受管理人员的统一安排和调配,不得私自调换和占用床位。如因特殊情况需调宿者,须写书面申请,报国际教育学院批准后方可调整。未经许可不得进入他人房间;不得私自搬换或多占家具设备;不得擅自改造和损坏宿舍的公共设施;不得自行油刷室内外墙壁;不得私自增添大件家具设备,占用他人的生活空间。
9. Students living in the dormitory should use the assigned room and bed, and should be compliant with arrangements and necessary adjustments made by the building supervisor. Students are not allowed to change or use other beds without approval. Those who need to change their room or bed for any reason should apply in writing to the Office of International Affairs, and may not make any changes until approval is granted. Students may not move to other rooms, exchange or have extra furniture in their rooms, alter or break public dormitory facilities, paint dormitory walls, or get extra furniture which might intrude into their roommates’ living space without permission from Office of International Affairs.
第十条 未经国际教育学院同意,留学生宿舍不得留宿非本宿舍人员。擅自留宿非本寝室成员者,给予警告处分;造成不良后果者,视情节给予记过及以上处分;留宿异性或留宿于异性寝室者,给予留校察看及以上处分。
10. Students are not allowed to have guests stay in their dormitory rooms without permission from the Office of International Affairs. A warning shall be given to the student who accommodates others. The student, whose accommodation of others leads to a bad consequence, shall get the punishment of demerit recorded or even more serious one. Students, who accommodate the guests of the other sex, shall get the punishment of probation or even more serious one.
第十一条 因学生本人过错被处理退学而退宿以及自动退学、勒令退学和被开除学籍的学生,一律不予退还已交的住宿费。
11. Students who cease living in the dormitory due to dismissal, expulsion, or voluntarily leaving the university will not have their accommodation fees returned to them.
第十二条 暑假、寒假期间,学生离开学校回国、旅游、探亲访友,要在离校前告知国际教育学院,并按时回学校。假期住宿费用按照学校相关规定执行。
12. During holidays including summer and winter vacations, students who wish to travel or leave the dormitory for other purposes should report to the Office of International Affairs prior to departure and should return on time. Accommodation fee for summer and winter vacations will be charged in accordance with the related rules of HNUST.
第十三条 学生毕业离校期间要爱护公共财产,做到文明离校,并从毕业之日起于规定时间内搬离学生宿舍。如未经同意而继续滞留学生宿舍或在宿舍内存放物品者,因宿舍清扫、维修等原因造成的一切损失由学生本人负责并须按规定交纳其滞留期间的住宿费用。因各种原因搬离宿舍时必须遵守学校的相关规定。个别毕业生因特殊原因不能按规定时间离校者,需由本人申请,由国际教育学院统一安排住宿。
13. Upon graduating, students should return all property to the dormitory undamaged and leave the dormitory in a civilized manner. Students should vacate their rooms according to schedule. Students who remain in the dormitory or leave their belongings in their room without permission will be held accountable for additional accommodation fees as well as costs which arise from their rooms being inaccessible for cleaning during that time. Moving out of the dormitory should be done in accordance with school regulations. Students who require use of their dormitory room beyond the scheduled time should apply for this to the Office of International Affairs, and if approved, they should abide by whatever arrangements are made by Office of International Affairs at that time.
第十四条 学生未向学校报告而擅自离校超过一个月,学校有权清理其宿舍床位。个人物品代为保管一个月,超过一个月不领取,学校有权处理。
14.For students who leave school over one month without reporting to the International Students’ office, Office of International Affairs has the right to rearrange his/her room and handle his/her belongings in case they are not acclaimed for after one-month keeping.
第三章 秩序与卫生管理
Section Three: Regulations on Order and Cleanliness
第十五条 学生应严格遵守作息制度,自觉按时熄灯就寝。周日至周四公寓关门时间为23:00,周五、周六和法定节假日关门时间为24:00。未经允许,禁止学生晚归或私自外宿。如情况特殊,必须经国际教育学院批准。如有违反者,按下列规定处理:
15. Students should abide by the rules for study and rest in the dormitory and should respect the regulated dormitory sleeping hours. The dormitory gate closes at 23:00 from Sunday to Thursday, and closes at 24:00 on Friday, Saturday and official holidays. Without permission, no student are allowed to stay off campus for night. In special cases, students need to get the approval from the Office of International Affairs. Violators of the rules above shall be handled in accordance with the following regulations.
Within one semester:
Students staying out for 5 nights without permission shall be warned.
Students staying out for 6 to 11 nights shall get a serious warning or have their demerits recorded as punishment.
Students staying out for more than 12 nights shall get the probation or even more serious punishment.
第十六条 严禁赌博、酗酒、吸毒、偷窃、打架斗殴等违反中国法律和学校纪律的行为。
16. Gambling, excessive drinking, drug use, thievery, fighting, and other actions in violation of Chinese laws and/or HNUST regulations are strictly forbidden.
第十七条 宿舍须保持安静,严禁在楼内大声喧哗、哄闹。严禁在宿舍开派对,烧烤。在宿舍内使用音响、电脑等应以不干扰他人为前提。
17. Students should keep noise at a low level in the dormitory and refrain from making a racket. Party and barbecue are strictly forbidden in the dormitory. Students who use speakers, computers, or other acoustic equipment must take care not to disturb others.
第十八条 不准在宿舍内进行推销、传销或其它经商活动。
18. Selling, multi-level marketing, and other commercial activities are prohibited in the dormitory.
第十九条 留学生有宗教信仰的自由,但不得在留学生公寓传教或散发宗教宣传品,不得在公共区域张贴或悬挂有关宗教的图画、文字、饰品或活动海报。
19. International students have the freedom of religious belief, but should not preach or hand out religious brochures. Any pictures, decorations or posters in related to religions are not allowed to be put up in the public areas.
第二十条 爱护公物、节约水电。宿舍设施损坏或无法使用可在103学生值班室登记报修,一般正常损坏由国际教育学院安排维修,因使用不当造成门窗、家具、空调、电视及其它设施等损坏者,必须赔偿全部损失。在公用厨房做饭时应安全使用炉具,必须按使用说明和有关规定操作。违反操作规定造成事故者,须赔偿损失,后果严重者,将受到校纪处分,直至追究刑事责任。对故意损坏宿舍设施者,处以损失价值五至十倍的罚款。
20. Students should not be wasteful of electricity and water and should take care of dormitory materials. If something in the dormitory is broken, it should be reported to the student duty office 103, and then the teachers in Office of International Affairs will report for repair. If dormitory facilities are broken due to improper use, the person responsible must compensate for all damages. Those who use the public kitchens should use all kitchen equipment properly. If equipment is broken due to improper use, the person responsible must compensate for all damages. Disciplinary action or even legal action may be taken if there are serious consequences due to the improper usage. Those who intentionally damage dormitory facilities will be fined five to ten times the cost of the damage.
第二十一条 严禁在宿舍内踢足球、滑旱冰、打排球、打网球等,违者将没收运动器具。严禁在宿舍内饲养狗、猫、鸟等宠物。
21. Students may not skate, play football or basketball, or do any other sports activities in the dormitory. Those who do will have their equipment confiscated. Pets and animals are not allowed in the dormitory.
第二十二条 学生要搞好宿舍内务卫生,养成良好的卫生习惯。垃圾入袋后放到二楼垃圾桶内,禁止在没有垃圾桶的走廊处堆放垃圾,禁止将液体倒入垃圾桶。保持室内及门前走廊的清洁卫生。
22. Students should keep their living space and common areas clean. Rubbish should be placed in garbage cans on the 2nd floor. It is not allowed to place rubbish on the passageway where there is no garbage cans. Any liquid is forbidden to be poured into the garbage cans. Rooms and passageways should be kept tidy.
第二十三条 共同维护厨房,走道等公共区域环境卫生,爱惜公共设施。保持厕所设施的完善和下水道畅通,抽水马桶内严禁丢弃杂物,以免造成堵塞,疏通费用由留学生个人支付;禁止乱贴、乱写、乱倒、乱丢、乱吐。屡教不改者处以50元以上200元以下的罚款。
23. Students should maintain a clean environment of kitchen, aisle and other public areas and take care of public facilities. Toilets should be kept in working order and drains kept unobstructed. If the toilets are congested due to students’ pouring of waste, the students concerned shall be responsible for the unclogging expenses. Graffiti, littering, spitting, throwing things, and posting flyers outside of permitted locations is forbidden. Those who violate these rules will be fined RMB 50-200 Yuan.
第二十四条 使用完厨房,洗衣房公用设施,应及时将自己的物品取走,严禁长时间占用公共设施,影响其他同学使用。晚上11点以后禁止使用洗衣房及公共厨房。
24. After using the public facilities, the user must take his or her personal belongings in time so that the public facilities are available to others. After 23 o’clock, no washing machine or public kitchen are allowed to be used.
第四章 附则
Section Four: Supplementary Comments
第二十五条 本规定适用于在留学生宿舍住宿的所有学生。凡违反本规定者,将视情节轻重给予200-500元罚款或根据《湖南科技大学学生违纪处理办法》给予纪律处分。如造成公共财物或他人人身财产损失者,须赔偿全部损失。
25. The rules above pertain to all students living in the international student dormitory on the campus. Those who violate rules will be subject to fines of RMB 200-500 Yuan and be punished in accordance with The Ordinance on the Disciplinary Violations of Students of HNUST. Students who are responsible for the loss or damage of public property or the property of others must compensate for all expenses.
第二十六条 本规定由国际教育学院负责解释和监督执行,自二〇一六年十一月一日起实施。
26. The right of administering and interpreting the details of these regulations belongs to the Office of International Affairs. The regulations are effective from 1st November 2016.